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Log Roller /Lifter

Log Roller /Lifter

Regular price $275.00 AUD
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Snedden's Log Roller Lifter will roll and elevate the log for firewood cutting. Place the tool against the log, place the hook over the timber and pull back on the handle all the way to the ground. The log sits in the cradle area off the ground for safer easier cutting. Quality Australian Made . Hook spike and mounts are made from Bisalloy and zinc coated for long life . Handle angled at end so you don't crush your hand on the ground. The base area is 30cm making in stable and sturdy.  We are often asked what size log diameter can it roll. It will roll up to 45cm diameter logs but this also depends on the length of the log , strength of the operator and species of timber. Overall length approx 1.4m



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